Friday, December 6, 2013

Social Life

A social life in college is something you do not have to look very hard for. Actually, it is something you would have to avoid. When you life in a dorm a social opportunity is prevalent every time you open the door. If you want to socialize than all you have to do is open your door and walker by's will stop in and see what you are up too. Also, a social life would be very easy to get through the clubs that the university provides. There are always people out at russell house advocating for a club and the club fair day (not sure thats the right name for it) shows you a bunch of clubs to join and has people there to talk to you about them. All a person has to do is show and and not be a hermit in their room. I feel like a social life is just as important as an academic life. It will provide you with the tools to interact with people and build relationships. Those skills will become important when you search for a job. They don;t want to hire a smart student that can't talk to people. A person has to learn to balance the two.

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