Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas Break

Christmas break is my all time favorite break there is. I don't think there is any question of why that is! Because it's Christmas! Now that I am in college it is not just two weeks off. Its a whole month off of school. And it's not the fake time off where your teachers give you homework and take time away from your break. This break is for real. No homework, just having fun and eating a lot of food. Also is winter and in winter I can go skiing. Skiing is a lot of fun. Also this break is a break where  all my friends come home from their not as great at USC colleges and we can all hangout together, It is going to be a good break and I am looking forward to it. However, it is going to be a little bit of a bummer since college is a lot of fun and home can sometimes get just a littlle bit on the boring side during breaks.

Social Life

A social life in college is something you do not have to look very hard for. Actually, it is something you would have to avoid. When you life in a dorm a social opportunity is prevalent every time you open the door. If you want to socialize than all you have to do is open your door and walker by's will stop in and see what you are up too. Also, a social life would be very easy to get through the clubs that the university provides. There are always people out at russell house advocating for a club and the club fair day (not sure thats the right name for it) shows you a bunch of clubs to join and has people there to talk to you about them. All a person has to do is show and and not be a hermit in their room. I feel like a social life is just as important as an academic life. It will provide you with the tools to interact with people and build relationships. Those skills will become important when you search for a job. They don;t want to hire a smart student that can't talk to people. A person has to learn to balance the two.


Sleeping is probably one of my favorite things to do. It's weird because you do absolutely nothing. You just lay there, pass out, and wake up a couple hours later. Experts say that you need 8 hours of sleep a night, but I feel like that number should be higher. I know when I get ten hours of sleep I feel like I am more rested than the required 8. So if we feel more rested shouldn't the number be 10? However, I just had to be a presentation on sleep and the number one way to feel more rested is having a sleep cycle. It is already hard enough to fit in a consistent 8 hour sleep cycle. Ten might just be too much. I do not see how some people function on three or four hours of sleep a week. I feel like after a while that has to get old. Maybe you are just so used to being tired, that you don't even notice it anymore. In conclusion, I am going to sleep and I am going to sleep a lot.

University 101

University 101 was a class that I was required to take as part of the Capstone program. I went into this class thinking it was going to be a breeze and that I was going to not even have to pay much attention to it. However, it was a little more challenging than I had thought. The papers were graded tougher than I had thought they were going to be and the topics were pretty challenging to write on. Now, I am not complaining since this is a college course. My expectations were just too low, which made things seem harder than they were. On a positive note this was a great class to meet people. Unlike a 400 person lecture hall the class was small and Dallin did a great job of making us get to know one another. Now, I know 18 more people than I did before this class. In conclusion, University 101 was a pretty good class with a good bit of benefits. Now I just need to finish my final paper and I can be done for the semester!

Greek Life

Greek Life seems to be a huge thing here at the University of South Carolina.The first week was full of frat parties that were filled with people and warm beer. It was a pretty fun week and I got to meet a lot of people. After the first week comes rushing. I did not participate in any of this so this is solely second hand information. Once you rush and you hopefully get picked to join the one you want, than a person gets the incredible honor to pledge for the fraternity. Now that process does not seem any fun. They pretty much make a person's life hell for a whole semester. I had a friend that was constantly tired, constantly having to be somewhere, or constantly having to buy something for his pledging. He was always complaining about it and would never actually tell me what really goes on. It didn't seem too fun though.

Semester Recap

After one semester in college here at the University of South Carolina, I can officially say college is awesome. I did a great job of balancing school work and fun. Since I did that, school was a breeze and pretty much stress free. I was not stressed about deadlines and could enjoy my free time. This semester just flew by. I remember a semester in high school seeming like it would never end and now a semester goes by too fast! However, that does not mean I only had fun and did not learn anything. College provided me with plenty of lessons in the classroom, but also provided them outside of it too. Living on my own sure taught me a whole lot! In conclusion, this semester was a success in my books. I just have to keep on taking advantage of opportunities and enjoy these next three and a half years until I actually have to go out and face the real world.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


At the moment I am down here in the basement getting laundry done. What really bothers me is the fact that I have to pay to do my laundry. I just paid over ten thousand dollars to come to school for this semester and I can't even get my laundry done for free. I have to pay a dollar twenty five for the washer and another dollar twenty five for the dryer. I pay a lot of money to come here and it seems like I still have to pay for everything. If I have to pay for everything than what does all this money go to that I have to pay? It seems pretty high of a price tag to not get some laundry free. Now I may just be ignorant, but I think this should be all inclusive for the price my parents are paying. I feel bad having to ask them for some extra change for my clothes. I guess I should get a job, but might as well get support from my parents as long as I can. Pretty soon I'll be paying for all my stuff and ten thousand dollars a semester for my child to go to school and a dollar twenty five for his laundry.

ACE Coaching

So, I just made an ACe Coaching appointment, since I couldn't make a writing center one. I am glad that Dallin was lenient in our procrastination on the writing center requirement. However, I am not going to lie the ACE Coaching is kind of going to be a hassle to go to. Thursday's is my day to sleep in, since I don't have class until 2:50 and I had to make my appointment at 9 in the morning. It would not be too bad if I actually needed to go. I have no exams to study for and have a good grasp on time management. I made my appointment to talk about how to improve my time management skills, because that seemed easier to fake than have some person tutor me for an exam that I do not need to take. But, I am not going to complain too much. I am sure this will help me out someway in the future and may even actually make me more willing to use the ACE Coaching when I actually need it since I will be more familiar to it. Now I hope this blog is long enough, but I am going to finish this sentence to be sure of it.

College Vs. High School

There is no argument that college varies greatly from high school. Not just the workload, but the life style. College is more than just school. In high school, all most all of your focus was on school. There was a definite line between your school life and your off time. However, in college that line is skewed. Your school life drifts into your personal life and you have to learn how to balance the two. You can not just go to school for 8 hours and forget it until the next day. You have to constantly plan ahead and plan your schedule so you don't fall behind. The structure is in your hands, not in the hands of your parents and the school system. The freedom is great and makes time fly by, since school doesn't seem like school. It simply is just part of your everyday life and I, personally, have not gotten bored of the routine since it varies greatly. I have more time to add different things into my day and change the routine around. I have the power and I enjoy the new responsibilities and glad I am away from the norm of a high school life.