Thursday, October 3, 2013

This Class

For the past hour I have been sitting in the most boring class that I have ever sat through. Mrs. Xanthros's HRTM 110 class is nothing more than a monotone women reading slides that I could finish reading in twenty minutes. Of course this class is on a Thursday night from 6 to 845, during a time when I want to be doing anything than sitting in a classroom. It wouldn't be so bad if she would teach us something that we would need or simply could not get from reading the textbook she made us buy. I could have not taken this class and just read the book and I would have saved a lot of time and boredom. This class is so monotonous that I am actually enjoying writing this blog, because it gives me a break from having to listen to her talk about reservation technique and whatever else is on the slide. Oh, now she is handing us a paper to read. This will be interesting. It is about a gamification technique that you pair with a loyalty program. Very interesting stuff. This lady went to Germany last week and made us suffer with a substitute teacher! The bad part was he was way better than this professor. I feel like if she can have a substitute professor come in for her I can have a substitute student come in for me. Now that would be a business I should start. I could hire people that would get paid to go to class for students when they don't want to and take notes for them. I doubt the university would allow that though. Interesting update in the class, she has now started writing on the board. A record number of 7 people are asleep and two have already left. Tough crowd in here tonight. I have to break the news to her that I will be on a plane during her next exam. Hopefully she will be a compassionate individual and be okay with that, but I really doubt it. She is one of those you are solely responsible for your actions and whatever else she could come up with. I might be making a visit to the conduct center if she will not let me make up the exam or take it early. I wonder if Mrs. X is any fun outside of this class. I'm going to put my money on her being a buzz kill. Oh, and if by the chance she reads this I hope that it is after I'm out of this class. That would be tough to explain! On the up side the chairs in this class are extremely comfortable. They have nice form and lean back quite well. There is still an hour and a half left in this class..................I don't know if I'm going to make it. If I don't make it let her read this so maybe she will engage in a more enjoyable teaching strategy and I can save some students lives. I'm not sure if that was supposed to be lives or lifes. I'm guess I got it right because it just put a red underline under lifes. It did it again! It is definitely lives. Also, since you are the best teacher at USC you would over look that I am writing this on Thursday and not Wednesday. Well, I am going to try to save myself from boredom by playing some Papijump.

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