Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Intro Blog

      Hello everyone. Well this is my first blog entry of my life, so don't judge too bad! Since I am a rookie at this, I feel like my first blog should be about myself. This past few weeks there has been a lot of talking about myself. Now I'm not egocentric, but being the first couple weeks in a new place surrounded by new people you always have to answer the essentials. I have been unconciously repeating my name, where I am from, what's my major and other of the normal greeting questions. So here it goes one more time. My name is Cory Petersen and I was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. I moved to Denver, NC (just outside of Charlotte) and I am currently studying Hospitality Management. I chose hospitality management due to the fact that it will allow me to travel. I can work in all parts of the country and the world, which allows me to meet different kinds of people.
      During the summer I really enjoy going out on the lake and really dread working. When I was little I always wanted to be big and grown up, but now that I see how much work being grown up involves I wish I would have enjoyed my younger years a little more. I was a life guard this summer, which was a not so bad job besides being very boring, and the other three summers I installed carpets. Never go and install carpets! Installing carpets is why I am in school, because I never want to have to face that job again. More hobbies that I have done and enjoyed were playing baseball and football during high school. I played baseball pretty much my whole life and it is kind of sad that it is all over now.
      College life has been pretty good so far. I would have to say the best part is the freedom that I have. I get to chose what I do everyday, which is a lot of pressure, but it is something I enjoy. The least favorite part was leaving all my friends and the fact that I have to walk everywhere.
      I am not a huge fan of talking about myself so I am going to wrap it up. Thanks for reading!

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