Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Time Management

     Time management is a very valuable life skill that can make my life a whole lot less stressful and easier to manage. Even though the video we watched was probably one of the hardest thing to stay awake to it tied priorities and time management together. Time management does not mean much if the time you manage is not geared toward elements that will bring your life to the next level. Family, friends, education, and my physical health are all, as we discussed in class, important and urgent. Because of their importance I need to manage my time to be able to accomplish goals and tasks that will put those things first.
      If I had to give some advice on time management would be to think ahead! You have to think a couple steps ahead so you do not get a couple steps behind. If you take several small steps to get a goal accomplished than your outcome will be of greater quality and less stress than if you took one huge step in the final hours. ALso do not forget about the small things that need to get done. If you constantly worry about the large things and those large goals that you are trying to accomplish and forget about the small things that are necessary to get done than those small things will get in the way. So if you take anything from this it should be time management should be about balance and thinking ahead.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


The way a person handles the new responsibilities that they have been trusted with can either make or break them when it comes to life in college. We no longer have mom constantly bombarding us with demands to clean our room or do our homework. All of that has now been laid on us. A person has to adjust to setting aside time for their homework, and that does not mean an all nighter the night before the exam or paper is due. If a student manages their time well enough than college life will be a more positive experience. Managing your time does not mean that they have to be a groundhog and stay in their room the whole time, it simply means balance. Balance is the key to success. Yes, granted the scale should be leaning more heavily to the school work side, but don't let it weigh the whole scale down or you will miss out on all of the fun that college has to offer. However, having your mom out of your ear is nice to have when you are getting ready to go downtown, but when it comes to your laundry it would be nice to have here there! So, if you took anything from this blog understand the lessons your parents have taught you about responsibilty and apply them in a smart way to the challenges you will have to face during these next four years and the years of the "real world".

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Life in a Dorm

      For this blog I am going to write about dorm life. Going from a house with three bathrooms, four bedrooms and just space in general and dorm can take time to adjust too. Don't get me wrong it is not all bad. Me and my roommate have gotten pretty close and the cleaning requirements are a lot smaller than that of a whole house, but sometimes you just want to have a little more space. Life would be all well if your kitchen, bedroom, study room, and living room were not all one room. Oh and one more thing, the bathroom. For some reason whenever I want to go and take a shower someone else has already beat me to that. A room with two people may be bad, but a bathroom with four people sure is not any better. If a dorm has taught me one thing it is too appreciate the house that you got to reside in for 18 years. I am most looking forward to moving into an apartment, that I will appreciate, hopefully during the next year. I may miss my first dorm and own living space, but I am sure that I will get over the sadness in my heart in ample time. However, in conclusion a dorm may not be the best experience, but I am not going to rush out of it. A dorm is part of college and an experience that can make college a lot of fun.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Intro Blog

      Hello everyone. Well this is my first blog entry of my life, so don't judge too bad! Since I am a rookie at this, I feel like my first blog should be about myself. This past few weeks there has been a lot of talking about myself. Now I'm not egocentric, but being the first couple weeks in a new place surrounded by new people you always have to answer the essentials. I have been unconciously repeating my name, where I am from, what's my major and other of the normal greeting questions. So here it goes one more time. My name is Cory Petersen and I was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. I moved to Denver, NC (just outside of Charlotte) and I am currently studying Hospitality Management. I chose hospitality management due to the fact that it will allow me to travel. I can work in all parts of the country and the world, which allows me to meet different kinds of people.
      During the summer I really enjoy going out on the lake and really dread working. When I was little I always wanted to be big and grown up, but now that I see how much work being grown up involves I wish I would have enjoyed my younger years a little more. I was a life guard this summer, which was a not so bad job besides being very boring, and the other three summers I installed carpets. Never go and install carpets! Installing carpets is why I am in school, because I never want to have to face that job again. More hobbies that I have done and enjoyed were playing baseball and football during high school. I played baseball pretty much my whole life and it is kind of sad that it is all over now.
      College life has been pretty good so far. I would have to say the best part is the freedom that I have. I get to chose what I do everyday, which is a lot of pressure, but it is something I enjoy. The least favorite part was leaving all my friends and the fact that I have to walk everywhere.
      I am not a huge fan of talking about myself so I am going to wrap it up. Thanks for reading!